Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Hole.

when I look at this picture I see a hole leading to who knows where in the middle surrounded by a very beautiful atmosphere. For me the beautiful atmosphere is eXplore and the hole is the upcoming year surrounded by a rusty wire; the rusty wire being my lack of knowledge of the secular life of being outside of a community that cares so much about each other. Then the shiny new metal wire is those who will be there for me in the upcoming year while I figure out who I am outside of eXplore. My family is the one thing that I will have outside of e-mails, phone calls, and Skype chats with friends that I have made while being in this loving community for the last two years.
It seems hard to think that I only have 12 days till I go back to Prairie and finish up my degree. There is no more holding off the grieving process of saying good bye to those that are staff at camp. But now more then ever I am realizing God's love as he is making the future look brighter and strengthens my relationship with him more and more. The end of the year will be good I am just not excited for it. -later-

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