Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Week Off (1of2)

It all started with the thought of what it would be like to take a week off from work and the busyness of life. So I started to plan my week off, it was not really a matter of what I could do but how I was going to accomplish it and if it was affordable? So after a few phone calls I was set and everything was looking good I had invited my brothers and both of them wanted too go. It was practically set in stone now and I really did not want anything to stop me from going.
Two months later we were sitting in the car driving to Plains Montana. Leaving at 6:30 in the morning was not the least bit exciting, but we needed to do this in order to get to Camp Bighorn by dinner time. Oh man was it a long drive But God kept us safe and it was really good to be going on a road trip with the brothers the first of many too come. It seemed so surreal. To be graduated two years of college, being able to go out on my own oh the responsibilities!!
As the miles ticked on we came closer to our destination, the anticipation of seeing people that I had not seen for 6 months others for a year. I think it was in the last 15 miles from camp that my heart begun to pound faster and I started to get butterflies in my stomach I had never truly felt like this before. I have never really been one to use 'love' too often because it is such a meaningful word, but I can honestly say that I love these people. I only know a few other people that are so Real and honest with you, who care and want you to feel excepted for who you are and do not expect change but would love to see you change for the better.
As the week went by I helped in the kitchen, volunteering when friends were busy in class. I love working in the kitchen at camp, everything seems so on edge and meals can change overnight because we don't have something we thought we did. I love that sort of stress learning to cope with it and not let it bother you really helps me to get things off my mind. Working with Trina, Teagan, and Dave is real fun and having great people to work with really was nice.
There is going to have to be second part to this cause I am tired and I have alot more to write down about the trip.

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