Thursday, November 20, 2008

Umm please pray

well it is getting closer to december with every day that goes by, and as it gets closer to december I realize that hunting season is most likely not to happen. As I finish off this week of classes I am forced to work on my pentateuch assignment, something that will be tiring as it is 6 pages long.
As I look back on chapel this week, I attended wednesday chapel and we had a guest speaker that talked about the need for the help for the women, men, and children were sold into slavery, adn how a woman that was 8-months pregnant was forced to work and died because it was too hard for her. We must pray for those that are sold into slavery that they may be aware of God and have hope. We must also pray for the leaders of these slave groups thats they would realize that we are all humans and that God would empower them to stop what they are doing.
Well as this weekend draws near I hope that those that have assignments to do would be able to focus and get them completed adn that they would be good.

See you on the other side , Jason

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Another Day

hey, well I should most likely be in bed right now but since I am not the type to write a diary on paper I decided to type it. just got brownings new catolog today which is pretty sweet. And college is going pretty good tests are the bomb but I just got an assignment in today and I got a B- on it so that is pretty good. Well that is what I think. :) Well i really needsome sleep so I will update everyone later when my eyes are not so tired